At ImmuneWatch, we understand the importance of equality and inclusion in the workplace. We are therefore committed to creating an environment that is respectful and supportive of the various identities of our employees. In order to create an inclusive environment, we strive to foster an equitable and inclusive workplace, free from discrimination and harassment.

We believe that diversity and equality is not only important for our employees, but also for our business. We are committed to creating a workplace that is conducive to innovation, creativity, and productivity. We strive to ensure that all employees are treated with dignity and respect, regardless of their background.

In this document we will discuss the strategic goals we set to promote diversity inclusion in our organisation. This document will be approved by the board and will be re-evaluated every year.

Last approval: 15/03/2024

<aside> 💡 Feel free to leave comments on this page, so that we can work together on improving our strategy and vision.


Strategic Goal 1

<aside> 1️⃣ ImmuneWatch aims for a diversity culture with a positive working atmosphere where diversity contributes to the quality and innovation of the company.


We believe we can achieve this strategic goal with the following:

  1. Our way of communication where we will be polite, open but also professional. Racism, discrimination and hate speech will not be tolerated.

  2. Our culture where failing is an option. Everyone makes mistakes and we embrace these as opportunities instead of failures. For this reason we encourage everyone to be transparent about them. To make sure it is tackled as a learning opportunity we want to stress that it is okay to make them, but not to hide them. We strongly believe that this culture will lead to more tolerance and inclusivity in general.

  3. Our remote-first policy allows for flexible time planning, which should make for a healthy and family-friendly working culture.

Strategic Goal 2

<aside> 2️⃣ ImmuneWatch develops and will keep on improving on an inclusive recruitment policy


We believe we can achieve this strategic goal with the following:

  1. Create job advertisements that are gender-neutral and encourages specific under-represented groups to apply.

  2. Create a selection procedure with equal opportunities for every candidate by being aware of implicit biases.